Thursday, November 12, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009
A Visitor
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I Blame the Wasp
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Painting is never as easy as it seems
Many days have passed since I last posted about my painting trails and tribulations. Little did I know that at that time things weren't as bad as they would be.
My first ambition was to get the kitchen and downstairs bathroom painted during my week off. HA, HA, HA! I must have lost my mind! I came no where near finishing either room while I was on my vacation. I decided to tile the wall that runs behind the stove. My cousin Mark thought it would be a good idea and would look nice. I agreed and went out to get the stuff needed to tile. I went to LOWE'S, the store is newer and nicer then Home Depot. I picked out tile and the tools I needed. The first few blocks of tile were simple. They were clean shots at the wall, nothing to go around or cause much trouble. Then I ran into a problem. A four plug outlet, this is where I wondered to myself why I let my cousin, who lives in OHIO, suggest that I tile a wall! Where was Mark when I needed him? In OHIO for God's sake! Too flippin far away for me. My brother Jeff then suggested that I go back to LOWE'S and ask them if they cut tile for their customers. Brilliant, yes! I called LOWE'S and I was assured that someone could cut it for me. I measured, marked the tile and headed for LOWE'S. A very nice young guy took the tile from me and cut it, for free no less. I was thrilled, not very often do things like this go my way. I finished that section of the wall and decided to tackle the wall to the right of the stove. That section of wall had another four plug outlet and a phone plate to deal with. I tiled as close as I could to the outlet. I measured and marked the tile that needed to go around the outlet and also the part that needed to go around the phone plate. Went to LOWE'S and started looking for the nice tile cutting kid. I didn't see him and I started to get a bad feeling. Another guy offered to help me. When I told him what to do he said, " I can only do eight cuts." "Pardon Me" actually I said "What?" Pardon me just sounds nicer. "Yeah, I can only do eight cuts". I told him the guy that did it the day before never mention anything about eight cuts. "Yeah, eight cuts and each cut is 25 cents". Another thing not mentioned to me when the first guy cut the tile. I argued a bit about the number of cuts. Kid #2 cuts some of the tile for me, but I could tell his heart wasn't in it. He handed me the cut tiles and a slip saying how much I owed. I was angry, he didn't do all the cuts I wanted. He stuck to his eight cuts so I thought screw you and I left with out paying for my eight cuts. I know, I'm evil! I decided at that point that I would buy a tile cutting contraption. They were many different ones to pick from. I of course chose the cheapest one. I took it home and followed the directions and it promptly ruined a sheet of tile. I took back the tile cutter and told them it ruined my tile so they gave me a new sheet. I went to the tile section hoping against hope that I would find my original tile cutting saint of a kid. Nope, no where in sight and I cursed myself for not noticing his name when he helped me that first day. I found another kid from the tile section and asked him if he could cut some tile for me. He looked at my marked tile and bugged his eyes out. "Wow, that's a lot of angles. I can't do all these angles". I asked him why it was a problem when the other kid cut them with no complaint or problem. "He shouldn't have cut the tile because we aren't supposed to do all these angles". Good Gravy kid, can you do it or not? I didn't say good gravy but I did ask him if he could cut it or what. He said he would try. He started cutting and then shows me that it isn't working very well. He was scoring into the tile past the mark for some reason. He claimed it was because he had a 4 inch blade and needed a bigger number blade. I don't remember the bigger number right now. When I left LOWE'S the kid had pretty much ruined the sheet of tile I gave him. There was no way I could use it. I called around to places in the yellow pages, trying to find some place that would cut this damn tile for me. After calling about ten places I found one that would do it. I dropped it off and they said I could get it the next day. I went to get the tile the next day and it was nicely cut just like I had marked it. The operative words are JUST LIKE I MARKED IT. When I got it home and held it up to the wall around the outlet, it didn't fit. I was a tiny bit off, just enough off to make it impossible to get the outlet cover to fit. My mind started scrambling. Why am I so stupid? Why can't I ever do anything the right way the first time?
After much agonizing over the tile and the outlet it was decided that the easiest way to fix it would be to cut the bottom of the outlet plate just a bit. So that is what was done. The toaster goes in front of that outlet anyway, no one will see it, and if you are ever at my house you are not allowed to look and see if it is noticeable or not.
I tiled the whole wall and was going to go over it with more grout like the instructions said to. I pulled out the stove, applied the grout and went to push the stove back in and it wouldn't fit. It was like I had entered the twilight zone or something. The stove was in its spot when I pulled it out, but it would physically not go back in its spot. I tried and I tried and got increaslingly angry and started to yell. Emily came down and thought she could magically make it fit. Nope, it just didn't line up anymore and the worst part is that my kitchen is so small that I couldnt even step back far enough to get a good look at it to see what was wrong. I had an idea that maybe the feet on the stove needed to be turned. I tilted the stove and had Emily try and turn the feet. "Ewww this is gross under here!" "Be Quiet and Turn the Feet Em!" I cleaned the floor under the stove, but I can't clean the underneath of the stove. The feet got turned and like a small miracle, the stove slid back in. Another crisis adverted.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
My Uncle Jim

There are so many Jim’s in my family and now we have lost a great one.
My Uncle Jim was a brilliant man. When I look at all of his accomplishments, it makes it very clear to me why I always thought I never had anything good enough to say to him.
I have to make it very clear that this was something I thought, but it wasn’t true.
Uncle Jim and Aunt Bette stopped to see us in California quite often on their way to or from Hawaii. Aunt Bette is a barrel full of fun. She can talk to anyone about anything. Uncle Jim always seemed more reserved to me.
Once, maybe 20 years ago when Jim and Bette were visiting, I brought my daughter Elizabeth over so they could meet her. Elizabeth, who was 3 or 4, had a passion for a book called "Are you my Mother" by Dr. Seuss. Elizabeth took her book to Uncle Jim and asked him to read it to her. I thought, Oh NO, NO, NO he won’t want to do that! I was wrong. He took the book, sat Elizabeth on his lap and read the whole story to her. He endured her many questions and funny little comments about the bird looking for its mother.
Right then my opinion was forever changed about Uncle Jim. He wasn’t unapproachable, he just needed to be approached.
I am sad to know he’s gone, but I am very proud to say he was a part of my family.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Just Like Marcel.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Like trying to handle a small mountain lion.
Look at Misha in this picture. Isn't he cute with his little bunny paws all folded up on his chest? Most of the time he is a nice kitty. He has his moments of madness where he attacks you in the middle of the night because your arm is coming out from under a pillow. He seems to think it doesn't belong to anyone. Your arm is now some kind of small creature that needs to be dealt with ferociously.
This morning he was in his usual place when I got up. Right smack in front of the bathroom door. I have learned to always look down when I walk around my house just to make sure I don't step on him. I took my shower and thought when I opened the door he would be still laying there, waiting for me to go downstairs and feed him. He wasn't, strange I thought. Then I noticed a little ball of something on the floor. Poop, yes a single ball of poop. I looked towards Emily's room and there was Misha, with his head close to the floor looking very guilty. I got a tissue, picked up the yucky thing and flushed it. Misha doesn't randomly poop in my house. He is a good boy and has always used the litter box from the first moment we brought him home at the age of two months. He kept slinking around casting guilty looks left and right. Great, this means it isn't over, there is more somewhere for me to find.
**** Emily, don't read this part****
I walked towards Emily's room and there I saw more poo just inside the door. I got more tissue, picked it up and flushed again. Misha was still slinking around. Not a good sign. He could possibly be in need of a "clean up" and if I make a move towards him at the wrong time, I could be trying to get him out from underneath a bed or something. I went downstairs thinking that his stomach will get the better of him and he will come down on his own to eat.
Okay, here he comes. I am sweet talking him trying not to startle him. As he walks away from me, there it is. Stuck to his butt! Oh no!
It's 6:15 a.m. and I have to be at work at 7 a.m. I grab a bunch of paper towels hoping it is just and easy removal with no actual water clean up involved. I hold on to his tail and lift it up, he instantly starts to complain and I can see that there is no hope of an easy removal. This is going to require me holding him under the tub faucet while I hope he doesn't make Swiss cheese out of me.
I put him in the "scruff of the neck hold" with one hand and grab the two front legs with my other hand. I tuck him under my arm so I don't hurt his neck and I head for the stairs as fast as I can. I put him in the bathroom and shut the door. I yell for help because this is not easily done by one person. If I let go of him or loosen my grip once the cleaning process starts all hell could break loose. I grab a towel from the closet, which is outside of the bathroom. As I slowly open the door with my foot blocking the opening, he is too fast and makes a break for it. Noooooooo! Now I have to find him and he will probably go under something and I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!
We find him in Emily's room, luckily not under anything. I swoop him up again and head for the bathroom, turn on the water and start to wrangle the wild animal's rear end under the stream of water. I am telling him that if he bites me, I will not be responsible for what will happen. Misha is moaning and groaning and I am getting more and more upset because it feels like loads of time has gone by. Finally, he is rinsed clean but I want a tiny bit of shampoo squirted on the "area" so I can make sure he is really clean. Mission accomplished, get the towel and wrap him in it trying to dry him off as fast as possible. "Stop complaining Misha, you are the one with poo stuck to your butt." I let him go from the towel and he disappears out the bathroom door. I look at the clock and the whole event only took 7 minutes. Pretty good!
If Misha were a short haired cat, I don't think he would have this problem, at least four times a year.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Oh Wilbur.... (I think that's from Mr. Ed)
Me: Ok Sir, Who is your Doctor?
Me: Alright, Who is your Doctor sir?
Me: I still need to know who your Doctor is. Do you have a Doctor here sir?
O.G.: My Doctor is Dr. Blah Blah...
Me: Thank you
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Say Please!
Emily's status says, "homework, don't bother me".
I can't pass that up so I "IM" her.
Peggy: then get off Ichat
Emily: lol
Emily: then dont bother me =P
Peggy: say please
Emily: pleaseeee
Peggy: ok
Emily: ttyl
Peggy: "open your mouth a little WIDER when you say PLEASE"
Emily: lol
Peggy: name that movie and I will leave you alone
Emily: Alice in Wonderland
Peggy: ok bye!
Emily: byee

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009
At last the sentencing is done.
Friday, April 3rd, 2009 |
8:37 pm - At last the sentencing is done. |
10:54 am - Summoning Courage |
Emily goes to college
Sunday, September 21st, 2008 |
9:30 am - Emily goes to college |
Am I the only one that cares?
What I did today...
Saturday, July 26th, 2008 |
7:52 pm - What I did today... |
Wednesday, July 16th, 2008 | |
9:47 am - Kelsey | |
It's July again.
Thursday, July 10th, 2008 | |
5:27 pm - It's July again. | |
That just irritates me, and other things...
Friday, August 25th, 2006 | |
10:40 am - That just irritates me, and other things... | |